Connecting Rod for Sale – RA Power Solutions

Connecting Rod for Sale

We maintain large stock of reconditioned connecting rods and new connecting rods of following makes of diesel engine:


MAN-B&W Sulzer Wartsila
MAK Deutz Pielstick
Mitsubishi Daihatsu Yanmar
Bergen Niigata Himsen
Fiat Allen Hanshin
MWM Caterpillar SKL
Ruston Crepelle Stork
Paxman Mirrlees Blackstone Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab, etc.
Connecting Rod of Daihatsu Diesel Engine
Connecting Rod of Daihatsu Diesel Engine

Each connecting rod is passed through stringent quality control procedures by the technicians having more than 40 years of experience. In case of any deviation, connecting rods are repaired in-house on the latest breed of special purpose machine.

Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine for Sale
Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine for Sale

The big end of the connecting rod is re-bored and standard bore tolerance as specified in the manual is maintained. In case of small end, the bush is replaced by new one and re-bored to the standard size. Each connecting rod is subject to dimensional inspection and passes through the crack detection test by MPI. We don’t recommend repair of bend connecting rod or the connecting rods which has lost its alignment/straightness.

Connecting Rod Under Reconditioning
Connecting Rod Under Reconditioning

The connecting rods supplied are 1/3rd the cost of new connecting rod resulting to the huge saving for the owners. For more information regarding engine connecting rods, crankshaft reconditioning, connecting rod replacement, marine engine spares, bearings for Yanmar engine, maintenance and repair services, and engine overhaul services email us at: or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Inspection of Wartsila Connecting Rod
Inspection of Wartsila Connecting Rod

We maintain large stock of reconditioned connecting rods and new connecting rods of following makes of diesel engine: MAIN & AUX. ENGINES MAN-B&W Sulzer Wartsila MAK Deutz Pielstick Mitsubishi Daihatsu Yanmar Bergen Niigata Himsen Fiat Allen Hanshin MWM Caterpillar SKL Ruston Crepelle Stork Paxman Mirrlees Blackstone Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab, etc. Each connecting rod is … Continue reading “Connecting Rod for Sale – RA Power Solutions”

Portable Crankshaft Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions

In case of bearing failure or continuous running of the crankshaft, it develops bearing line marks, pitting, or rough surfaces. This requires polishing of the crankshaft, crankpin, and main journal.

A revolutionary onsite portable crankshaft polishing machine has been introduced by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. which is portable, lightweight, easy to operate, and can be taken to the site. The polishing of the crankshaft and crankpin is possible without removing the crankshaft from the engine block. The onsite crankshaft polishing machine is manufactured from 50 mm to 700 mm in diameter.

The use of a crankshaft polishing machine removes the bearing line marks, and pitting and improves the surface finish as required by the manufacturer.

Crankshaft Polishing Machine Packed in Steel Box
Crankshaft Polishing Machine Packed in Steel Box

We extend free training to the customers having a duration of 1 week during which the operation of the crankshaft polishing machine, and maintenance are explained and demonstrated.

The cost of the machine is kept low as it is the company’s objective that nobody should spend an exorbitant amount on polishing and grinding the crankshaft anymore and sending it to the workshop. More than 60 machines are sold all over the world.

Close-Up View of Crankshaft Polishing Machine After Packing
Close-Up View of Crankshaft Polishing Machine After Packing
Packing in Progress Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Packing in Progress Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. having 37 years of experience in working on large crankshafts. The crankshaft grinding and polishing machine, and crankshaft polishing equipment has been developed through consistent and focused R&D with field trails undertaken in different conditions.

The aim of the company is to reduce the cost of repair of crankshaft and stop the outdated practice of sending crankshafts to the workshops. For more information on crankshaft polisher, crankshaft polisher machine, crankshaft polishing tool, crankshaft polisher for sale, polishing crankshaft journals, crankshaft polishing, crankshaftgrinding machine and crankshaft polishing equipment contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

In case of bearing failure or continuous running of the crankshaft, it develops bearing line marks, pitting, or rough surfaces. This requires polishing of the crankshaft, crankpin, and main journal. A revolutionary onsite portable crankshaft polishing machine has been introduced by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. which is portable, lightweight, easy to operate, and can … Continue reading “Portable Crankshaft Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions”