Marine Engine Repair | Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine | Crankshaft Replacement

RA Power Solutions have been providing marine engine repair, overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine, and crankshaft replacement services for the last four decades. The objective of the company is to provide international standard of maintenance & repair services for diesel engines & diesel generator sets installed on a vessel or in power plants.

We have a huge client base & one can be assured that your all requirements related to diesel engine maintenance and repair services will be in safe hands. The major reason why we stand out as a unique company is that we possess the latest tools, equipment, and measuring instruments which are calibrated periodically as per the class requirement & international standards.

We are giving below detail description of general overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine undertaken recently in Indonesia.


  • Dismount, Inspection, and overhaul of the cylinder cover including the fuel and air starting valves. The cylinder covers cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new O-rings.
  • Dismount and overhaul exhaust valve, renew sealing rings, grind valve spindle, and valve seat.
  • Pulling of the piston for inspection, cleaning, calibration, and overhaul. Checked for cracks on piston crow by die penetration test. The piston was assembled with new piston rings and O-rings.
  • Dismount and overhauled stuffing box.
  • The cylinder liner was cleaned, calibrated, and honed in order to restore the liners running surfaces and remove ovality. This ensured that the piston rings perform better and this will lead to a better overall cylinder condition, compared to if honing had not been done.
Marine Engine Connecting Rods under Reconditioning
Marine Engine Connecting Rods under Reconditioning
Inspection of Bearings while Overhauling of Engine
Inspection of Bearings while Overhauling of Engine
  • The cylinder liner cooling spaces were inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new o- rings and water connectors.
  • The crosshead bearing was dismount, journal polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
  • The connecting rod bearing was dismount, crankpin polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
Reconditioning of Cylinder Heads
Reconditioning of Cylinder Heads
  • The main bearing caps were removed, journal polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
  • Measurements of the cross head, connecting rod, and main bearing clearances were taken.
  • Crankshaft alignment measurement was taken with dial gauge (autolog method).

For your requirement of repair, maintenance and overhaul of Diesel engine and Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine you may contact us & will find our services as per the International standards & price-wise lowest in the market.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani Managing Director of RA Power Solutions having experience of almost four decades of working on high-capacity diesel engines, crankshaft, turbines, and rotary equipment. Contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information.

RA Power Solutions have been providing marine engine repair, overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine, and crankshaft replacement services for the last four decades. The objective of the company is to provide international standard of maintenance & repair services for diesel engines & diesel generator sets installed on a vessel or in power plants. … Continue reading “Marine Engine Repair | Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine | Crankshaft Replacement”

Cylinder Liners | Cylinder Sleeves | Cylinder Liner Manufacturer | Cylinder Sleeves Manufacturer

Cylinder liners and cylinder sleeves for marine engine, generators, and all applications are manufactured by RA Power Solutions for last 44 years. The process, technology, and quality of liners manufactured by us are far better than the OEM standards. We stand guarantee for the long life of the cylinder liners and this is possible due to the following features of cylinder liner and cylinder sleeves manufactured by us.

Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves Manufactured for Ruston Engine
Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves Manufactured for Ruston Engine

Cylinder Liner Manufacturer

  • We manufacture cylinder liners, cylinder sleeves in gray cast iron with centrifugal process which ensures uniform structured and dense casting. Special alloys are used to increase the wear-resistant properties and also to enhance the lubrication.
New Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves Ready for Dispatch
New Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves Ready for Dispatch
  • Each casting is subject to extensive quality control check prior to final machining which includes MPI for crack detection, visual check for blow hole, pitting, and any casting abnormality.
Cylinder Liner Manufactured for CKD SKODA-1450KVA
Cylinder Liner Manufactured for CKD SKODA-1450KVA
Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves of Diesel Engine Ready for Dispatch
Cylinder Liners & Cylinder Sleeves of Diesel Engine Ready for Dispatch
  • The machining is undertaken on DRDO supported equipments which ensures all the critical dimensions are strictly maintained as per the drawing or a sample.
  • Final machining and honing of cylinder liners and cylinder sleeves is undertaken on the latest design of the equipments available in the market.
  • All the quality parameters of honing are strictly maintained.
Cylinder Liner after Phosphating
Cylinder Liner after Phosphating

Each cylinder liner, cylinder sleeve is subject to 100% inspection by our experienced technicians using the calibrated instruments. Inspection reports in detail are prepared and shared with the client. If required heat treatment, phosphating, nitriding, chrome plating, etc. are also done as per the customer requirement.

Cylinder liners can be developed and manufactured from the sample or a drawing provided by the client. We accept small quantities of cylinder liners for development and manufacturing.

We are regularly exporting cylinder liner and cylinder sleeves all over the world of all popular makes of diesel engine like CKD Skoda, ABB, ABC, Anglo Belgian Corporation, Akasaka, Alco Diesel Engines, Alfa Laval, Allen, Alpha Diesel, Alstom, B & W, Bergen Diesel Engines, Blackstone, Bosch, Caterpillar, Cegielski, Consilium, Crepelle, Cummins, Daihatsu, Detroit Diesel, Deutz, Deutz Marine Engine, EMD, Fiat, FUJI, Fuji Diesel, Furuno, Hanshin, Headway, HIMSEN, Holset, Hyundai , MaK, MAN, MAN B&W, Martek Marine, Mirrlees Blackstone, Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi UE/UEC, MTU, MWM, Napier, NAVTEX, Nigata, Nohab Diesel, Paxman, Pielstick, Ruston & Hornsby, Samsung, Simrad, SKL, Sperry, Stork SW Diesel, Stork Werkspoor, STORK-WARTSILA DIESEL, Sulzer, Volvo Penta, Wartsila, Wartsila Diesel, Westfalia, Wichmann, Woodward, Yanmar.

CKD Skoda Engine Spares and Bearings

We are perhaps the largest manufacturer and exporter of CKD Skoda spares including cylinder liners and bearings. The bearings and liners of CKD Skoda all models of engine are available with us in stock and can be supplied all over the world in short notice. We are also the manufacturer of BEZ  generator bearings. All the parts of CKD skoda are guaranteed for satisfactory performance and are competitively priced.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. He has 44 years of experience in working on large crankshafts, connecting rods, cylinder liners, cylinder sleeves, cylinder liner repair, and Diesel Engines.

For more information on CKD Skoda cylinder liners, SKL engine cylinder liner and cylinder sleeve,metal stitching service provider and CKD Skoda bearings please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Cylinder liners and cylinder sleeves for marine engine, generators, and all applications are manufactured by RA Power Solutions for last 44 years. The process, technology, and quality of liners manufactured by us are far better than the OEM standards. We stand guarantee for the long life of the cylinder liners and this is possible due … Continue reading “Cylinder Liners | Cylinder Sleeves | Cylinder Liner Manufacturer | Cylinder Sleeves Manufacturer”

Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair | Metal Surgery | Cracked Engine Block Repair | Repair Cracked Cast Aluminum

RA Power Solutions undertakes the repair of crack or damaged engine components manufactured out of cast steel, repair cracked cast aluminum, cast iron, or aluminum. We follow the process of Metal Stitching & Metal Locking for repair of crack or damaged components. In most cases, the repairs are undertaken on-site without dismantling the major components. This results in the saving of downtime of the plant & money.

Metal Stitching | Metal Locking

RA Power Solutions is a leader in this field of repair of large damaged casting components by Metal stitching & Metal Locking, we offer crack repair services 24/7 through our technicians who are well experienced. Our senior-most technician executing crack repair by metal locking and metal stitching process has 44 years of experience and has a record of executing more than 1500 jobs which are saved from rejection and are performing satisfactorily.

The repair of Crack and damaged casting by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching process

RA Power Solutions was developed in late 1930 as a cold option for repair of Crack or damaged cast iron components & equipment. This process of casting crack repair has proved successful as it is cold and stress-free without the generation of any heat. Most of the crack repair jobs undertaken by us, it does not require machining. Our technicians have Indian CDC / Palau CDC which facilitates them to execute the Crack repair even while sailing the vessel this again proves to be of great advantage to the ship owners and the industries.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani Managing Director of RA Power Solutions having experience of almost four decades of working on high-capacity diesel engines, turbines, and rotary equipment. The company specializes in executing the repairs i.e. metal stitching/metal locking, grinding and repair of crankshafts, rebabbitting of bearings, Cast Iron Repair, connecting rod reconditioning, overhauling of Engines which have serious problems resulting in the immense saving to the owners.

For more information about metal surgery, engine block repair, metal surgery process, cold metal repair, cast iron stitching, cast iron engine block repair, or broken engine block, engine connecting rods please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

RA Power Solutions undertakes the repair of crack or damaged engine components manufactured out of cast steel, repair cracked cast aluminum, cast iron, or aluminum. We follow the process of Metal Stitching & Metal Locking for repair of crack or damaged components. In most cases, the repairs are undertaken on-site without dismantling the major components. … Continue reading “Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair | Metal Surgery | Cracked Engine Block Repair | Repair Cracked Cast Aluminum”