Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair | Metal Surgery | Cracked Engine Block Repair | Repair Cracked Cast Aluminum

RA Power Solutions undertakes the repair of crack or damaged engine components manufactured out of cast steel, repair cracked cast aluminum, cast iron, or aluminum. We follow the process of Metal Stitching & Metal Locking for repair of crack or damaged components. In most cases, the repairs are undertaken on-site without dismantling the major components. This results in the saving of downtime of the plant & money.

Metal Stitching | Metal Locking

RA Power Solutions is a leader in this field of repair of large damaged casting components by Metal stitching & Metal Locking, we offer crack repair services 24/7 through our technicians who are well experienced. Our senior-most technician executing crack repair by metal locking and metal stitching process has 44 years of experience and has a record of executing more than 1500 jobs which are saved from rejection and are performing satisfactorily.

The repair of Crack and damaged casting by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching process

RA Power Solutions was developed in late 1930 as a cold option for repair of Crack or damaged cast iron components & equipment. This process of casting crack repair has proved successful as it is cold and stress-free without the generation of any heat. Most of the crack repair jobs undertaken by us, it does not require machining. Our technicians have Indian CDC / Palau CDC which facilitates them to execute the Crack repair even while sailing the vessel this again proves to be of great advantage to the ship owners and the industries.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani Managing Director of RA Power Solutions having experience of almost four decades of working on high-capacity diesel engines, turbines, and rotary equipment. The company specializes in executing the repairs i.e. metal stitching/metal locking, grinding and repair of crankshafts, rebabbitting of bearings, Cast Iron Repair, connecting rod reconditioning, overhauling of Engines which have serious problems resulting in the immense saving to the owners.

For more information about metal surgery, engine block repair, metal surgery process, cold metal repair, cast iron stitching, cast iron engine block repair, or broken engine block, engine connecting rods please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

RA Power Solutions undertakes the repair of crack or damaged engine components manufactured out of cast steel, repair cracked cast aluminum, cast iron, or aluminum. We follow the process of Metal Stitching & Metal Locking for repair of crack or damaged components. In most cases, the repairs are undertaken on-site without dismantling the major components. … Continue reading “Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair | Metal Surgery | Cracked Engine Block Repair | Repair Cracked Cast Aluminum”

Thread Repair Insert | Crack Repair Engine Block Cover | Onsite Machining – RA Power Solutions

RA Power undertakes repair of threads and cracks which get damaged due to accident following are advantage

  • Threads of various parts like engine block, turbine casing, cam block get damaged due to the stress or accident
  • Damaged threads are repaired by our engineers onsite without dismantling of the parts
  • The portable, lightweight special-purpose machines are carried to the site for all the operations required for repair of damaged threads.
  • New inserts are fitted in the damaged threads, maintaining the same dimensions as of originals. Same size of bolts are used.
  • In case of cracks observed on the threads hole area, which is common due to accident, it is repaired by the metal lock and metal stitching process.
  • The repairs of damaged threads by using the insert save the part from rejection and saving to the owners.
Damaged Engine Block
Damaged Engine Block

Engine Block Repair | Onsite Machining | Crack Repair

Serving the diesel power plants and shipping companies for the last four decades, we observed that in spite of the best maintenance protocols and process followed, accidents do take place. We have the history of repairing seriously damaged engine blocks.

Repair of Crack Under Process
Repair of Crack Under Process

Recently in case of Wartsila Engine Both sides of the engine block got damaged measuring about 600 mm * 500 mm . Even the main journal housings got damaged due to accident. The engine was installed on a barge having 6 units of wartsila 12V32 engines.

Following job was done pertaining to engine block repair:-

  • The complete engine block was subjected to crack detection by MPI test by level 3 qualified technicians.
  • Main journal housings of engine block were dimensionally checked for taper and ovality was recorded.
  • The damage to engine block was so serious that we have no option but to cut off the damaged portion of the engine block.
  • The new casting piece was manufactured with the similar profile of damaged block of wartsila 12V32 and was given original profile by onsite machining. The piece was assembled by metal stitching and metal locking process.
  • All the main journal housings were corrected by onsite machining, maintaining the main journal housing bore size strictly as per the engine manufacturer’s limits.

The above engine block repair saved client considerable amount and reduced downtime.

Repair by Metal Locking
Repair by Metal Locking

Contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information regarding engine overhauling, lock and stitch cast iron repair.

RA Power undertakes repair of threads and cracks which get damaged due to accident following are advantage Threads of various parts like engine block, turbine casing, cam block get damaged due to the stress or accident Damaged threads are repaired by our engineers onsite without dismantling of the parts The portable, lightweight special-purpose machines are … Continue reading “Thread Repair Insert | Crack Repair Engine Block Cover | Onsite Machining – RA Power Solutions”