Main Engine Maintenance | Overhauling of Marine Engine and Diesel Engine

The main engine and auxiliary engine maintenance, overhauling, and repair is undertaken by RA Power Solutions for the last forty years for the engine installed on vessels, diesel engine driven power plants, and heavy industries.

It is important that periodic maintenance and overhaul schedule of the diesel engine is followed in order to avoid any major breakdown. RA Power Solutions has a team of experienced engineers who can be deputed to any site of powerplant or the vessel on short notice to undertake the overhauling and repair of engine.

Overhauling & Repair of Marine Engine
Overhauling & Repair of Marine Engine

We undertake the following jobs:

  • Periodic maintenance and overhauling of engines, including alternator and electric panels.
  • Shifting of diesel generating set from one site to another site is done on a turnkey basis.
  • Inspection of engine block, crankshaft, cylinder liners, pistons, connecting rod, and cylinder head wherever required.
  • We also undertake onsite repair of major components, which is of great advantage to our clients.
  • Replacement of crankshaft requires special skills, calibration, and following of instructions specified by the engine manufacturer.
  • We specialize in the replacement of crankshaft due to accident or wear and tear.
Inspection of Bearings on Vessel
Inspection of Bearings on Vessel
Inspection of Cylinder Liners
Inspection of Cylinder Liners

We are trusted by the shipping companies and the industry based all over the world and have been regularly serving our clients based in Nigeria, Qatar Dubai, Singapore South America, and many other countries.

Marine Engine Spares

While undertaking the engine maintenance and overhauling, we have observed that in some cases the engine spare parts are not available. This is most common for the engines which have been discontinued by the manufacturer or the manufacturers have stopped manufacturing of diesel engines in totality.

Inspection of Marine Engine Spares
Inspection of Marine Engine Spares
Inspection of Connecting Rods
Inspection of Connecting Rods

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. plays a very important role in this area as parts for popular makes of diesel engine and models are available in stock. We have developed various spares like cylinder liners, bearings, etc which are regularly exported all over the world. The marine engine spares are also sourced by RA Power Solutions from the world’s largest ship breaking yard based in western India. Ours is the only company that has in-house facilities for undertaking reconditioning of old marine engine parts supported with experienced technicians.

In general, the cost of marine engine spare parts offered by us are priced substantially lower than the prices offered by the engine manufacturer. All the spares supplied are supported with a performance guarantee and with the calibration reports in detail.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He is having forty years of experience in providing services like onsite diesel engine repair, marine diesel engine maintenance, main engine maintenance, overhauling of marine engine, and repair of marine engine, overhauling and repair of diesel engine, and many other services related to high-capacity engine.

We provide top overhauling of diesel engine, marine engine cylinder liners, engine overhauling, maintenance and repair services, overhauling of diesel engine, engine overhaul services and crankshaft repair services. For any information on our services, please email us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

The main engine and auxiliary engine maintenance, overhauling, and repair is undertaken by RA Power Solutions for the last forty years for the engine installed on vessels, diesel engine driven power plants, and heavy industries. It is important that periodic maintenance and overhaul schedule of the diesel engine is followed in order to avoid any … Continue reading “Main Engine Maintenance | Overhauling of Marine Engine and Diesel Engine”

Marine Engine Repair | Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine | Crankshaft Replacement

RA Power Solutions have been providing marine engine repair, overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine, and crankshaft replacement services for the last four decades. The objective of the company is to provide international standard of maintenance & repair services for diesel engines & diesel generator sets installed on a vessel or in power plants.

We have a huge client base & one can be assured that your all requirements related to diesel engine maintenance and repair services will be in safe hands. The major reason why we stand out as a unique company is that we possess the latest tools, equipment, and measuring instruments which are calibrated periodically as per the class requirement & international standards.

We are giving below detail description of general overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine undertaken recently in Indonesia.


  • Dismount, Inspection, and overhaul of the cylinder cover including the fuel and air starting valves. The cylinder covers cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new O-rings.
  • Dismount and overhaul exhaust valve, renew sealing rings, grind valve spindle, and valve seat.
  • Pulling of the piston for inspection, cleaning, calibration, and overhaul. Checked for cracks on piston crow by die penetration test. The piston was assembled with new piston rings and O-rings.
  • Dismount and overhauled stuffing box.
  • The cylinder liner was cleaned, calibrated, and honed in order to restore the liners running surfaces and remove ovality. This ensured that the piston rings perform better and this will lead to a better overall cylinder condition, compared to if honing had not been done.
Marine Engine Connecting Rods under Reconditioning
Marine Engine Connecting Rods under Reconditioning
Inspection of Bearings while Overhauling of Engine
Inspection of Bearings while Overhauling of Engine
  • The cylinder liner cooling spaces were inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new o- rings and water connectors.
  • The crosshead bearing was dismount, journal polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
  • The connecting rod bearing was dismount, crankpin polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
Reconditioning of Cylinder Heads
Reconditioning of Cylinder Heads
  • The main bearing caps were removed, journal polished and both upper and lower bearing shells renewed.
  • Measurements of the cross head, connecting rod, and main bearing clearances were taken.
  • Crankshaft alignment measurement was taken with dial gauge (autolog method).

For your requirement of repair, maintenance and overhaul of Diesel engine and Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine you may contact us & will find our services as per the International standards & price-wise lowest in the market.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani Managing Director of RA Power Solutions having experience of almost four decades of working on high-capacity diesel engines, crankshaft, turbines, and rotary equipment. Contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information.

RA Power Solutions have been providing marine engine repair, overhaul & maintenance of MAN B&W engine, and crankshaft replacement services for the last four decades. The objective of the company is to provide international standard of maintenance & repair services for diesel engines & diesel generator sets installed on a vessel or in power plants. … Continue reading “Marine Engine Repair | Overhaul & Maintenance of MAN B&W engine | Crankshaft Replacement”

Diesel Engine Overhaul | Onsite Diesel Engine Repair | Crankshaft Main Bearing Replacement

RA Power Solutions was informed regarding the failure of three nos Crank pin Bearings of MAN B&W 5L60MC main engine onboard a vessel near South Africa.

RA Power experienced team of technicians boarded the vessel in a short time of 18 hours of receipt of intimation regarding the problem faced by the vessel. Following jobs were executed for overhaul and replacement of crankpin bearings in order to operate the engine satisfactorily after Engine repair and engine overhaul.


  • Inspection and overhaul of the cylinder covers, including the fuel and starting valves located in the covers.
  • The cylinder covers cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new O-rings.
  • Dismounting, Inspect and overhaul the exhaust valves, renewing the seats, and grinding the valve spindles.
  • The cylinder liners were cleaned, calibrated, and honed in order to restore the liners running surfaces and remove ovality. This ensured that the piston rings perform better and this will lead to a better overall cylinder condition, compared to if honing had not been done. The cylinder liners cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned, and fitted back with new o-rings.
Inspection of Engine Spares is in Process
Inspection of Engine Spares is in Process
Repair of Crankpin is in Process
Repair of Crankpin is in Process
  • The Crank pin bearing caps were dismounted, and both top and bottom bearing shells renewed.
  • The Crankshaft Crankpin diameter was checked for the following parameters:
    • Visual inspection to check the presence of any Bearing Line marks or rough surface.
    • All the Crankpins were calibrated for taper & ovality.
    • Hardness was checked and observed within limits.
    • MPI was done to check the presence of any crack.
    • Crankshaft all pins were polished by an onsite crankshaft grinding machine, removing the bearing line marks and improving the Crank pin surface finish.
    • Adjustment of the variable injection timing (VIT).
    • The bearing clearances were taken using lead wire.
    • Crankshaft alignment measurement was taken with a dial gauge.
Onsite Repair of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Onsite Repair of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Inspection and Repair of Crankshaft
Inspection and Repair of Crankshaft


After the replacement of Bearings and jobs described above undertaken at the time of engine overhaul and bearing replacement the engine was tested on the load & performance was observed to be satisfactory.

For more detail on onsite diesel engine repair, crankshaft main bearing replacement, engine overhaul services, marine engine cylinder liners, and engine overhauling. Contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information.

RA Power Solutions was informed regarding the failure of three nos Crank pin Bearings of MAN B&W 5L60MC main engine onboard a vessel near South Africa. RA Power experienced team of technicians boarded the vessel in a short time of 18 hours of receipt of intimation regarding the problem faced by the vessel. Following jobs … Continue reading “Diesel Engine Overhaul | Onsite Diesel Engine Repair | Crankshaft Main Bearing Replacement”