RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a leading exporter of connecting rods for popular make of Diesel engines. The connecting rods of engine like MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc. are regularly exported. The used connecting rods are procured from ship-breaking yards of diesel generating sets which are not in operation.

The connecting rods are subject to inspection at our works which is equipped with latest generation of equipments required for repair of connecting rods. All the connecting rods are subject to crack detection by Dye Penetrant Test and Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI).
The big end and small end are corrected on a DRDO-equipped boring machine and straightness of connecting rods after final inspection is exported all over the world duly packed with performance guarantee.
The connecting rods supplied by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is work out to be 1/3rd cost of the new connecting rods.
For more information about used connecting rod, connecting rods supplied, and other services like onsite diesel engine repair and overhauling email info@rapowersolutions.com and call +91-9582647131.
RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a leading exporter of connecting rods for popular make of Diesel engines. The connecting rods of engine like MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc. are regularly exported. … Continue reading “Connecting Rods | Used Connecting Rods”