It is very important that connecting rods are inspected periodically. The process of inspection includes the following:
- Connecting rods are required to be cleaned properly.
- Crack detection is undertaken preferably by Magnetic particle inspection (MPI). Attention has to be paid on joining surface/serration of the connecting rods.
- Bore size big end and small end is checked.
Straightness of Connecting Rods: In case any deviation is observed in connecting rod, RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes repairs onsite or in our workshop. All the repair of connecting rods undertaken is guaranteed and calibrations certificate is provided.
For more information regarding engine connecting rods, used connecting rod, crankshaft grinding, engine block repair, and white metal bearings, please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Article Name
Connecting Rod Inspection – RA Power Solutions
Raj Shahani
Publisher Name
RA Power Solutions
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