Metal Stitching | Metal Locking | Metal Stitching of Engine Block | Repair of Cast Iron by Metal Stitching – RA Power Solutions

High-capacity engine and rotatory equipments have the components made of Cast Iron and Cast Steel. In case of any damage and development of crack in olden times, the option was either to replace the component which used to work out very expensive or to repair it by welding process. Which was not always successful.

With the improvement in repair technology now, it is possible to repair the crack in cast iron, steel, or aluminium component by metal stitching and metal locking process. The main feature of repair of crack or damaged casting by metal stitching, metal locking, and metal surgery is that process does not require disassembly of the equipment and taking the crack or damaged part to the workshop.

Damage Area of Engine Block
Damage Area of Engine Block
New Casting Inserted for Repair of Engine Block
New Casting Inserted for Repair of Engine Block

RA Power Solutions has the team of experience technicians. They can travel to the site with tools and consumables required for metal stitching and metal locking and undertake the repair. The original profile after crack repair by metal locking and metal stitching is maintained and in most cases, no machining is required. It is scientifically proved that crack portion of the component which is repaired by metal locking and metal stitching process has more tensile strength.

RA Power Solutions with the experience of forty years in this field extends metal locking and metal stitching services for repair of damaged casting. The repair can also be executed while sailing of vessel. We are considered to be lowest in the cost in comparison to our competitors.

Metal Stitching | Repair Cast Iron | Cast Iron Repair

Get your crack or broken components manufactured out of cast iron, cast steel or aluminium repair by metal stitching and metal locking process. RA Power Solutions with experience of more than four decades have successfully repaired thousands of major engine components and components installed in heavy industries all over the world.

The damage to the component may be serious, or the cracks are multiple. RA Power Solutions engineers have the experience, know how and necessary tooling to execute the most complicated and serious damage which takes place due to accidents in cast iron, cast steel and aluminium casting. We have successfully executed a pillar of forging machine weighing 40 tons. This job was done more than 15 years back, and we saved the forging plant imported from Poland from rejection.

For more information on cold metal stitching engine block, cast iron engine block repair, metal stitching surgery, metal stitching engine block, repair cast iron, and metal stitching of engine block please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching of Engine Block by Special Keys & Locks
Metal Stitching of Engine Block by Special Keys & Locks

High-capacity engine and rotatory equipments have the components made of Cast Iron and Cast Steel. In case of any damage and development of crack in olden times, the option was either to replace the component which used to work out very expensive or to repair it by welding process. Which was not always successful. With … Continue reading “Metal Stitching | Metal Locking | Metal Stitching of Engine Block | Repair of Cast Iron by Metal Stitching – RA Power Solutions”

Connecting Rod Repair | Reconditioning of Connecting Rod – RA Power Solutions

Connecting rods of high-capacity main and auxiliary engines are repaired by RA Power Solutions. We have vast knowledge and experience of four decades with the repairs and resizing of connecting rod strictly as per the manufacturer specifications and tolerances.

Reconditioned Connecting Rods of MAK Engine in Stock
Reconditioned Connecting Rods of MAK Engine in Stock

It is our experience that most of the users are not aware of the fact that in case of the development of taper and ovality, connecting rods can be repaired and high cost of purchase of new connecting rods can be avoided. We undertake repair of connecting rod in case following abnormalities observed:

  • Damage of serration to some extent.
  • Damage of small end and replacement of bush.
  • Development of taper and ovality more than the prescribed limit.

We do not recommend repair of connecting rod in case loss of alignment or cracks are observed. Connecting rods repaired by RA Power Solutions are guaranteed for satisfactory performance. Calibration certificate is issued for each connecting rod after repair.

Reconditioned Connecting Rod of Allen Engine in Stock
Reconditioned Connecting Rod of Allen Engine in Stock

RA Power Solutions also maintain a large stock of used connecting rods, which are reconditioned in-house and are available ex-stock. All the important parameters of used connecting rods after reconditioning are maintained as a new one. The cost of reconditioned connecting rod is considerable low in comparison to new connecting rods sold by the engine manufacturers. Owners can save substantial cost by using reconditioned connecting rods.

We export connecting rod of engines like Ruston, Allen, B&W, DAIHATSU, MAN, Mirrlees Blackstone, Niigata, Caterpillar, Deutz, Wartsila, Sulzer, Yanmar, Bergen, Mitsubishi, Cummins, etc. For more information on engine connecting rods, maintenance and repair services, engine block repair, and connecting rod replacement, please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Reconditioning of Connecting Rod is in Process
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod is in Process
Connecting Rod of Yanmar Engine Ready for Inspection Before Reconditioning
Connecting Rod of Yanmar Engine Ready for Inspection Before Reconditioning
Inspection of Connecting Rod on Board a Vessel
Inspection of Connecting Rod on Board a Vessel

Connecting rods of high-capacity main and auxiliary engines are repaired by RA Power Solutions. We have vast knowledge and experience of four decades with the repairs and resizing of connecting rod strictly as per the manufacturer specifications and tolerances. It is our experience that most of the users are not aware of the fact that … Continue reading “Connecting Rod Repair | Reconditioning of Connecting Rod – RA Power Solutions”

Cylinder Liners/Cylinder Sleeves of Diesel and Marine Engine – RA Power Solutions

In the case of diesel engines, cylinder liners as the name describe from the cylindrical space in which the piston reciprocates.

The cylinder liners and cylinder sleeves used in high-capacity diesel engines, marine engines, and other applications have far superior material in comparison to the cylindrical block of the diesel engine.

Mirrlees Blackstone Engine Cylinder Liners/Cylinder Sleeves
Mirrlees Blackstone Engine Cylinder Liners/Cylinder Sleeves

RA Power Solutions understands the importance of cylinder liner application and manufactures the cylinder liners having following features:

  • The cylinder liners manufactured are of alloyed cast iron with composition of chromium, vanadium, and molybdenum. The percentage varies according to the application of the cylinder liner.
  • Cylinder liner of cast iron manufactured by RA Power Solutions contains graphite, which is considered to have good lubricant properties.
  • The alloying elements used at the time of casting of cylinder liner resist corrosion and improve the wear resistance at high temperatures.
  • The cylinder liners are cast by a centrifugal system, which ensures dense and blows hole-free casting.
  • The cylinder liner manufactured by RA Power Solutions are high wear resistance having good thermal conductivity and internal damping properties.
  • The cost of the cylinder liners is considerably low in comparison to the cylinder liners supplied by the manufacturers of the engines. All cylinder liners stand to guarantee satisfactory performance.

 RA Power Solutions manufactures and exports the following cylinder liners. We can develop a new range of cylinder liners as per the sample and drawing.

We manufacture and export cylinder liners for following engine make:

CKD Skoda (All models of Engine), Ruston, Allen, B&W, DAIHATSU, MAN, Mirrlees Blackstone, Niigata, Caterpillar, Deutz, Wartsila, Sulzer, Yanmar, Bergen, Mitsubishi and Cummins etc.

Reconditioned Cylinder Liners Ready for Dispatch
Reconditioned Cylinder Liners Ready for Dispatch

For more information on engine cylinder liner, please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

In the case of diesel engines, cylinder liners as the name describe from the cylindrical space in which the piston reciprocates. The cylinder liners and cylinder sleeves used in high-capacity diesel engines, marine engines, and other applications have far superior material in comparison to the cylindrical block of the diesel engine. RA Power Solutions understands … Continue reading “Cylinder Liners/Cylinder Sleeves of Diesel and Marine Engine – RA Power Solutions”

Grinding of Crankshaft in Oman by RA Power Solutions

Onsite Crankpin Grinding is in Process
Onsite Crankpin Grinding is in Process

A vessel sailing near Oman reported serious breakdown of auxiliary engine of Yanmar model 6N18AL. RA Power Solutions team which is always ready for emergency response left for Oman and conducted the detailed inspection of the engine. It was observed that crankpin no. 4 bearing seized, resulting in the damage of CR pin no. 4. All other crankpins also developed ovality to the extent of maximum 0.20 mm.

Damaged Crankpin of Yanmar Engine
Damaged Crankpin of Yanmar Engine
Crack Detection Test of Crankpin
Crack Detection Test of Crankpin

RA Power Solutions having 40 years of experience in field of crankshaft ginding and repair services has achieved many land marks and have performed more than satisfactory for the clients spread all over the world. The expert team of crankshaft grinding technicians can undertake the grinding of crankshafts up to 700 mm.

Crankpin Grinding by Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin Grinding by Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

All the parameters like taper, ovality, surface finish, etc. after crankshaft grinding are maintained strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications. RA Power Solutions undertakes all the jobs related to repair, maintenance, overhauling of high capacity of diesel engines and diesel generating sets onsite all over the world. The only company which has undertaken repair of more than 11,000 crankshafts and is highly respected for its commitment.

For more information about our services for crankshaft grinding machine for engine repair, crankshaft grinding machine supplier, insitu machining crankshaft repair, onsite crankshaft machining and polishing, onsite crankshaft machining service, grinding of crankshaft, and crankshaft repair please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

A vessel sailing near Oman reported serious breakdown of auxiliary engine of Yanmar model 6N18AL. RA Power Solutions team which is always ready for emergency response left for Oman and conducted the detailed inspection of the engine. It was observed that crankpin no. 4 bearing seized, resulting in the damage of CR pin no. 4. … Continue reading “Grinding of Crankshaft in Oman by RA Power Solutions”

Reconditioned of Connecting Rods and Repair | Engine Connecting Rods

RA Power Solutions is a leader in undertaking repair and reconditioning of connecting rods of high-capacity engines installed in diesel engine power plants, ships, and for other applications.

Reconditioning of connecting rod and repair methodology have been developed by using latest breed of equipment and our experience of four decades in this field.

Inspection of Connecting Rods
Marine Engine Connecting Rods under Reconditioning

We strongly recommend our customers to go for reconditioned connecting rods which are thoroughly checked in our workshop and repair maintaining the tolerances as the original.

The reconditioned connecting rods for most of the popular diesel engines are available in stock or can be supplied in a short duration. Details of few engines for which reconditioned connecting rods are readly available is mentioned below.

MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Nohab, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Crepelle, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, Ruston, Paxman, Mirrlees, Alco, Fiat, ABC, Crepelle, SKL, etc.

Second Hand Connecting Rod of Wartsila Engine
Second Hand Connecting Rod of Wartsila Engine
Second Hand Connecting Rod of CAT Engine
Second Hand Connecting Rod of CAT Engine

The availability of reconditioned connecting rod gives ship operators and diesel power plant owners access to low cost. Reconditioned connecting rods which are equivalent to the new one in terms of tolerances, performance, and life cycle.

RA Power Solutions as an experienced and most respected company in the field of diesel engines strongly recommends use of reconditioned connecting rods quality of which is guaranteed by our controlled, approved process of repair and technology and through the metallurgical examination during and after reconditioning.

Generally, the price of reconditioned connecting rods is 1/4th of the new connecting rod resulting in enormous saving to the owners. For more information regarding marine engine spares, new connecting rods and reconditioned connecting rods & engine connecting rods of all make and model of diesel engine, please free to write us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine
Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine
Inspection of Wartsila Engine Connecting Rod
Inspection of Wartsila Engine Connecting Rod

RA Power Solutions is a leader in undertaking repair and reconditioning of connecting rods of high-capacity engines installed in diesel engine power plants, ships, and for other applications. Reconditioning of connecting rod and repair methodology have been developed by using latest breed of equipment and our experience of four decades in this field. We strongly … Continue reading “Reconditioned of Connecting Rods and Repair | Engine Connecting Rods”

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Crankshaft Repair – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions with 4 decades of experience have now introduced onsite crankshaft grinding machine which is portable and can undertake crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft repair onsite.

Grinding of Crankpin using Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Grinding of Crankpin using Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

Now there is no need to remove the crankshaft from engine block and sending it to the workshop. Crankshaft grinding machine has following features:

I) The crankshaft grinding machine is introduced by RA Power Solutions, having experience of 4 decades in crankshaft repair.

II) After extensive trials and experience, the machine is now introduced in the open market for the benefit of shipping companies, engine repair workshops, power plants, etc.

III) The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is of latest design, having minimum vibrations during operation. Onsite crankshaft grinding machine can be used while sailing the vessel.

IV) Tolerances achieved after crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing are far better than the manufacturer’s specifications. This is proven as repairs executed are class approved.

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

In case of emergency, this onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing can be operated round the clock. The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is easy to operate and job training is provided. This machine is supplied ready to use and complete in all respect. More than 70 machines supplied all over the world.

Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in Steel Box for Dispatch
Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in Steel Box for Dispatch

For more information, on crankshaft repair and crankshaft grinding services, contact us by email at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

RA Power Solutions with 4 decades of experience have now introduced onsite crankshaft grinding machine which is portable and can undertake crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft repair onsite. Now there is no need to remove the crankshaft from engine block and sending it to the workshop. Crankshaft grinding machine has following features: I) The crankshaft … Continue reading “Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Crankshaft Repair – RA Power Solutions”

Repair of Connecting Rod for High Capacity Engine – RA Power Solutions

Connecting rod of high capacity marine engine requires periodic calibration. Marine and power industry has experienced serious accidents due to failure of connecting rods. Some of the accidents due to failure of the connecting rods have even resulted to the complete damage of the engine.

RA Power Solutions undertakes reconditioning and repair of connecting rods mainly of high capacity engines for last 4 decades of Wartsila, Caterpillar Engine, MAK, MAN, Mitsubishi, Yanmar, Pielstick, Deutz, etc.

Reconditioning of Connecting Rod is in Process
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod is in Process

We are following procedure for repair of connecting rods:

  • Connecting rods are thoroughly cleaned by special chemicals to remove oil and dirt.
  • Connecting rod is checked visually for any signs of overheating which
Calibration of Connecting Rod in Process
Calibration of Connecting Rod in Process

may be indicated by a “bluish” appearance. In that case, it is recommended to check the hardness and undertake MPI for crack detection on the area which is exposed to the overheating.

  • Magnetic particle test by qualified technician is undertaken under supervision of senior engineer to check the crack on serration, connecting rod bolt and bolt sitting area and complete connecting rod. No crack whatsoever are accepted on connecting rod.
  • Connecting rod bolts are checked for elongation; in case of any deviation bolts are replaced.
  • Connecting rod big end bolt is tightened as per the torque specified by the manufacturer.
  • Big end bore taper and ovality is checked. The bore is also checked visually for any damage.
Repair of Connecting Rod is in Process
Repair of Connecting Rod is in Process
  • The small end bore is also inspected for taper, ovality or any visual damage.
  • Connecting rod is subject to shot blasting.
  • The first step for repair is to lap the serrations to the minimum, in order to bring the bore size to minus with enough allowance for internal grinding. For this special purpose machine is used.
  • The small end bush is replaced with new one in case the taper and ovality is on higher side.
  • Connecting rod is placed on our boring machine equipped with latest generation of DRDO. The straightness of connecting rod is checked.
  • We do not recommend use of any connecting rod which has lost its alignment. No deviation is accepted and it is not recommended to straighten the connecting rod.
  • Boring of big end bore and small end bore is done simultaneously not only to maintain the taper and ovality of big end small bore but to ensure that centre distance of both the bores is maintained.
  • All the sharp edges are removed after boring operation.
  • Connecting rod is again subject to dimensional inspection and all the readings are recorded.
  • While returning the connecting rod, proper packing is ensured.
Inspection of Connecting Rod is in Process
Inspection of Connecting Rod is in Process

Contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information.

Connecting rod of high capacity marine engine requires periodic calibration. Marine and power industry has experienced serious accidents due to failure of connecting rods. Some of the accidents due to failure of the connecting rods have even resulted to the complete damage of the engine. RA Power Solutions undertakes reconditioning and repair of connecting rods … Continue reading “Repair of Connecting Rod for High Capacity Engine – RA Power Solutions”

Metal locking of Engine Block by Experienced Technicians | Bangladesh | 44 Years Of Experience

On site Metal stitching and metal locking is a precise mechanical method of making permanent repairs to broken casting and machine parts.

An engine block of Wartsila 18V32 was reported damaged by South American power plant due to failure of connecting rod. The engine was just out of warranty and the cost of bare engine block quoted was exorbitant with a delivery time of 9 months.

RA Power Solutions technicians successfully repaired a damaged Wartsila 18V32 engine block using metal locking and stitching in Bangladesh. With 44 years of experience, we actively operate regularly. The block was repaired while it was on the foundation and without disassembly of crankshaft and major components. The damaged portion was measuring 72 inches X 42 inches approx.

Metal Stitching & Locking of Crankcase Door is under progress
Metal Stitching & Locking of Crankcase Door is under progress

Metal locking and metal stitching are executed by experienced engineers with having record of repairing engine block and major engine components exceeding more than 1300 numbers in the last 44 years.

 A cost-effective, quick response and sincerity are the main advantages of getting repairs done by RA Power Solutions.

For more details regarding metal stitching, metal locking services, repairing cast iron metal lock, cast iron repair, and Metal Locking of engine block at Low Price, email us your query at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

On site Metal stitching and metal locking is a precise mechanical method of making permanent repairs to broken casting and machine parts. An engine block of Wartsila 18V32 was reported damaged by South American power plant due to failure of connecting rod. The engine was just out of warranty and the cost of bare engine … Continue reading “Metal locking of Engine Block by Experienced Technicians | Bangladesh | 44 Years Of Experience”

Cylinder Liners- New and Reconditioned for Diesel Generating Sets – RA Power Solutions

Cylinder Liners of MAK Diesel Engine
Cylinder Liners of MAK Diesel Engine

We manufacture cylinder liners for high-capacity diesel engines, compressors, rotatory equipments. Cylinder liners are centrifugally cast, machined, and honned. Cylinder liners up to 1500 mm length and 600 mm bore size are manufactured.

Large stock of new diesel engine cylinder liner, cylinder liners of popular make and model of engines is maintained and can be supplied to the end users in a short time. We also develop and manufacture cylinder liners as per the drawing or as per the sample of the cylinder liner provided to us. We have the facility to develop and manufacture  even small quantity of cylinder liners if required.

Cylinder Liners for Wartsila Diesel Engine
Cylinder Liners for Wartsila Diesel Engine

Each cylinder liners are inspected in-house for dimensional correctness. We also have a facility to check the metallurgy of cylinder liner after it is cast. On request, cylinder liner inspection reports are provided to the client.

Reconditioned cylinder liners are available in stock in large numbers. We ensure that the wear and tear of cylinder liner bore, and other important dimensions is minimum. The reconditioned cylinder liners supplied by us are as good as new and almost have the same life. We stand guarantee for satisfactory performance of reconditioned cylinder liners.

Reconditioning of Cylinder Liners
Reconditioning of Cylinder Liners

Liners supplied by us and are priced far cheaper than the cylinder liners supplied by the engine manufacturers. The popular make of engines for which cylinder liner installation, cylinder liners are maintained in stock is mentioned below:

MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc.

Cylinder Liners

To get more information regarding cylinder liner manufacturer, clinder head liner, cylinder sleeves of diesel and marine engine, engine cylinder liner, and Allen cylinder manufacturers contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

We manufacture cylinder liners for high-capacity diesel engines, compressors, rotatory equipments. Cylinder liners are centrifugally cast, machined, and honned. Cylinder liners up to 1500 mm length and 600 mm bore size are manufactured. Large stock of new diesel engine cylinder liner, cylinder liners of popular make and model of engines is maintained and can be … Continue reading “Cylinder Liners- New and Reconditioned for Diesel Generating Sets – RA Power Solutions”

Crankshaft Grinding Machine – RA Power Solutions

The crankshaft grinding machine which is lightweight, portable, and easy to operate is manufactured by RA Power Solutions. The crankshaft grinding machine is revolutionary equipment developed and manufactured by us.

A few years the back industry had no option but to remove the crankshaft from the engine block, pack it and transport it to the workshop for repairs which was not only expensive but was time-consuming. With the introduction of an onsite crankshaft grinding machine, the removal of the crankshaft and sending it to the designated workshop is outdated and is no more required by the industry.

The crankshaft grinding machine manufactured by RA Power Solutions can undertake onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing, crankpin, and main journal diameter ranging from 60 mm to 700 mm. The latest design of the crankshaft grinding machine can undertake grinding and polishing in one setting. The minimum vibration while in the operation of the crankshaft grinding machine results in the maintenance of close tolerances and high surface finish.

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

RA Power Solutions as of date have sold more than 63 crankshaft grinder to countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, South America, Jordan, Ecuador, Singapore, Indonesia, Dubai, Brazil, Scotland, Greece, Italy, UK, Nigeria, etc.

Since the machine is priced low, it is highly recommended for repair workshops, shipping companies, power plants, and the general industry. The onsite training, operation, and maintenance of the crankshaft grinding machines are provided by highly experienced technicians with hand of experience in crankshaft repair of four decades.

Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankshaft Grinder
Crankshaft Grinder

For more information regarding crankshaft grinding services, crankshaft grinder, onsite crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft grinders machines, please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

The crankshaft grinding machine which is lightweight, portable, and easy to operate is manufactured by RA Power Solutions. The crankshaft grinding machine is revolutionary equipment developed and manufactured by us. A few years the back industry had no option but to remove the crankshaft from the engine block, pack it and transport it to the … Continue reading “Crankshaft Grinding Machine – RA Power Solutions”