In Situ Crankshaft Machining | Insitu Crankpin Grinding | Onsite Machining of Crankshaft

It is generally observed that whenever there is a failure of bearing, it causes serious damage to the crankshaft. The crankpin and main journal develop excessive ovality, deep bearing line marks are observed and in some cases, the impact of failure is so high that it leads to depression/cuts on the crankpin. In this situation, crankshaft needs grinding and polishing.

Crankpin After Serious Accident
Crankpin After Serious Accident
Damaged Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Damaged Crankpin on Board a Vessel

In Situ Crankpin Machining | Onsite Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing Offered by RA Power Solutions:

In case of failure of the crankshaft, RA Power Solutions undertakes in situ crankshaft grinding and polishing. We have a team of experienced technicians and our response time to an emergency breakdown situation is minimum. All our technicians hold valid Indian CDC and can fly to any destination worldwide in the minimum possible time. Technicians can also sail on the vessel and can undertake the repairs.

The crankshaft is repaired with minimum downtime, as there is no requirement of removal of crankshaft from the engine block. We have in situ crankshaft grinding machine available in the range of 35 mm to 700 mm to cater to the emergency breakdown.

Inspection of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Inspection of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Onsite Inspection of Crankpin Before Polishing & Grinding
Onsite Inspection of Crankpin Before Polishing & Grinding

In Situ Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing | Four-Decade of Experience

It is important that after damage and failure of crankshaft, it is thoroughly inspected by an experienced technician, and all the major parameters are recorded. The planning for the repair is done, and the crankshaft is repaired successfully. We possess the latest and calibrated instrumentation to conduct the pre and final inspection of the crankshaft. The crankshaft grinding equipment used for in situ grinding and polishing is of the latest design with minimum vibration. This facilitates us to maintain generally the tolerance after grinding within 10 to 20 microns and a surface finish of less than 0.2 micrometers in terms of RA value. These tolerances are far better than the tolerances specified by the manufacturer.

In Situ Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
In Situ Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing by Crankshaft Grinding Machine

In Situ Repair of Crankshaft | Reduce Maintenance Cost

The industries and the shipping companies are well aware of exorbitant rates charged by the few selected companies based in Europe for in situ repair of crankshaft. RA Power Solutions have changed this trend worldwide. Our charges are the most reasonable and lowest in the world with international standards. Our in situ crankshaft repair is cost-effective with minimum downtime and avoids costly replacement.

Crankshaft Grinding by Experienced Technician
Crankshaft Grinding by Experienced Technician
Crankshaft Grinding Service on Moving Vessel
Crankshaft Grinding Service on Moving Vessel

Benefits of In Situ Crankshaft Repair by RA Power Solutions

  • We have in house team of trained and experienced technicians who can be deputed at your site with in situ crankshaft grinding and polishing machine in minimum time.
  • We extend 24*7 services worldwide with a guarantee.
  • More than forty years of experience in crankshaft repair has proven us to be leaders in this field.
  • Excellent analytical ability because of experience and the use of modern instruments can save your crankshaft from rejection.

We recommend inspection by our technician prior to planning any repair procedure. Most reliable company working for leading industries and shipping companies. References can be provided on request.

For any information on onsite machining, insitu crankpin grinding, on site machining services and onsite machining of crankshaft please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Portable Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Portable Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin After Grinding by RA Power Solutions
Crankpin After Grinding by RA Power Solutions

It is generally observed that whenever there is a failure of bearing, it causes serious damage to the crankshaft. The crankpin and main journal develop excessive ovality, deep bearing line marks are observed and in some cases, the impact of failure is so high that it leads to depression/cuts on the crankpin. In this situation, … Continue reading “In Situ Crankshaft Machining | Insitu Crankpin Grinding | Onsite Machining of Crankshaft”

In-Situ Crankshaft Grinding Machine | Onsite Crankshaft Machining | Onsite Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions

Crankshaft is a mechanical and important part of the engine that facilitates the performance of a conversion between reciprocating motion and rotational motion. The tolerances of the crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft are generally very close in order to have a longer life and continuous satisfactory performance of the Crankshaft without any damage. It is important that crankshaft tolerances are always maintained strictly as per original tolerances.

RA Power Solutions designs and manufactures insitu crankshaft grinding and polishing machine. The insitu crankshaft machine is of advanced technology which is designed to maintain the crank pin and main journal tolerances in terms of taper, ovality, and surface finish strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications. There is no need of disassembly /removal of the crankshaft from the entablature. The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine manufactured by RA Power Solutions is available in the range of 35 mm to 700 mm in terms of diameter.

The onsite crankshaft grinding machine is light in weight and can be easily taken to far from places all over the world. The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine has the following features:

  • Technologically advanced crankshaft machining equipment in comparison to the conventional and old cage-type design, which is outdated.
  • Onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine does not require any reference of radius fillet for machining of the crankpin/main journal of the crankshaft.
  • Onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine frame is made out of titanium steel, which is robust and vibrationless.
  • With our latest onsite crankshaft grinder, machining of crankshaft up to 700 mm diameter can even be done while sailing the vessel, maintaining the close tolerance.
  • Onsite crankshaft grinding machine capable of maintaining close tolerance within 0.02 mm and with high surface finish far better than the international standards.
  • The insitu crankshaft grinding machine manufactured by RA Power Solutions can also be used for cylindrical shaft grinding and polishing and for the repair of the alternator, rotor shaft, pump shaft, intermediate shaft, mid-shaft, and turbine shaft.
  • Insitu crankshaft grinding and polishing equipment is easy to operate and maintain. It does not require any complicated day-to-day maintenance.
  • We are giving free training to the client’s technicians for the operation of this latest onsite crankshaft grinding equipment.

The cost of insitu crankshaft machining equipment is low and affordable. Highly recommended for large diesel power plants, shipping companies, and engine repair workshops. Insitu crankshaft grinding equipment is supplied in sturdy steel boxes that can be easily stored and taken from one site to another.

We have sold more than 70 crankshaft grinding machines all over the world including South America, UK, Italy, Nigeria, Singapore, the Philippines, Iran, Dubai, and various countries.

The author of this blog is Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of Company). He has four decades of experience in the field of high-capacity engine repair and grinding of shaft. He has developed an onsite crankshaft grinding machine to make the grinding process easy and less time-consuming. With the development of grinding equipment, now companies can undertake grinding and repair of any rotary shaft themselves saving a huge amount of money and time.

For information regarding onsite crankshaft grinding & polishing machine, on site machining services, onsite crankshaft machining, contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or  +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft is a mechanical and important part of the engine that facilitates the performance of a conversion between reciprocating motion and rotational motion. The tolerances of the crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft are generally very close in order to have a longer life and continuous satisfactory performance of the Crankshaft without any damage. … Continue reading “In-Situ Crankshaft Grinding Machine | Onsite Crankshaft Machining | Onsite Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions”

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Crankshaft Repair – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions with 4 decades of experience have now introduced onsite crankshaft grinding machine which is portable and can undertake crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft repair onsite.

Grinding of Crankpin using Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Grinding of Crankpin using Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

Now there is no need to remove the crankshaft from engine block and sending it to the workshop. Crankshaft grinding machine has following features:

I) The crankshaft grinding machine is introduced by RA Power Solutions, having experience of 4 decades in crankshaft repair.

II) After extensive trials and experience, the machine is now introduced in the open market for the benefit of shipping companies, engine repair workshops, power plants, etc.

III) The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is of latest design, having minimum vibrations during operation. Onsite crankshaft grinding machine can be used while sailing the vessel.

IV) Tolerances achieved after crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing are far better than the manufacturer’s specifications. This is proven as repairs executed are class approved.

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

In case of emergency, this onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing can be operated round the clock. The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is easy to operate and job training is provided. This machine is supplied ready to use and complete in all respect. More than 70 machines supplied all over the world.

Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in Steel Box for Dispatch
Crankshaft Grinding Machine Packed in Steel Box for Dispatch

For more information, on crankshaft repair and crankshaft grinding services, contact us by email at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

RA Power Solutions with 4 decades of experience have now introduced onsite crankshaft grinding machine which is portable and can undertake crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft repair onsite. Now there is no need to remove the crankshaft from engine block and sending it to the workshop. Crankshaft grinding machine has following features: I) The crankshaft … Continue reading “Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Crankshaft Repair – RA Power Solutions”

Crankshaft Repair While Sailing – RA Power Solutions

Crankshaft repair by grinding and polishing is now possible while vessel is on move. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the first company to offer crankshaft repair services while vessel is sailing by onsite portable crankshaft grinding equipment which is taken on board the vessel. The crankshaft repair is undertaken by a vibration-free Crankshaft grinding machine without removing the crankshaft from the engine block thus saving time and cost.

MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H
MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing on board the vessel while sailing up to 700 mm diameter.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has recently undertaken grinding of all 6 CR pins of MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H while sailing of the vessel between ports of Malaysia and Indonesia. The crankpins were damaged due to a lack of lubrication oil and all the pins were undersized by 0.5 mm. The tolerances after grinding and polishing have been maintained as per the manufacturer’s requirements.

Repair of Crankshaft in Engine Block
Repair of Crankshaft in Engine Block

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has designed vibration-free onsite crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing equipment by which it is possible to execute crankshaft repair while the ship is on move. This saves time and keeps the vessel moving. Crack repair of engine block, cylinder heads, casing, and all broken castings on board a vessel is possible while sailing. We are the first company to introduce these services.

For more information about our services for grinding of crankshaft, crankshaft grinding, crankshaft repair, and restoring crankshaft of compressor please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankpin Under Test to Check Crack
Crankpin Under Test to Check Crack
Dye Penetrant Test of Crankpin
Dye Penetrant Test of Crankpin
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Engine Block
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Engine Block
Crankpin Under Grinding Process
Crankpin Under Grinding Process
Crankpin Ready After Grinding and Polishing
Crankpin Ready After Grinding and Polishing
Crankshaft Polishing in Process by Crankshaft Polishing Machine
Crankshaft Polishing in Process by Crankshaft Polishing Machine

Crankshaft repair by grinding and polishing is now possible while vessel is on move. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the first company to offer crankshaft repair services while vessel is sailing by onsite portable crankshaft grinding equipment which is taken on board the vessel. The crankshaft repair is undertaken by a vibration-free Crankshaft grinding … Continue reading “Crankshaft Repair While Sailing – RA Power Solutions”