Crankshaft Repair at Low Cost In Bangladesh- RA Power Solutions

Crankshaft repair is required in case of following observations:

I) Development of taper and ovality due to continuous running.

II) Seizure of bearing, increase in hardness, and development of crack.

III) Loss of alignment of crankshaft or change in web deflection of crankshaft and many more reasons.

Damaged Crank Pin of MAN Diesel Engine
Damaged Crank Pin of MAN Diesel Engine

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes crankshaft repair in Bangladesh. We have a team of experienced technicians who undertake crankshaft repair onsite. These days, there is no need of remove the crankshaft from the Engine block and send it to the workshop for crankshaft repair.

Crack Detection of Crankpin Before Grinding
Crack Detection of Crankpin Before Grinding

RA Power Solutions undertakes crankshaft repair, crankshaft grinding, and crankshaft polishing onsite without the removal of the crankshaft from the engine block. The onsite repair of crankshaft not only reduces the downtime but saves considerable costs in terms of removal of crankshaft, packing, transportation, etc. The sending of crankshaft to the workshop now is outdated.

Crankshaft Repair on Board the Vessel
Crankshaft Repair on Board the Vessel

RA Power Solutions have facility to undertake onsite crankshaft repair from 50 mm to 700 mm in diameter. Having more than 44 years of experience, we have highly skilled in-house technicians to execute crankshaft repair. We are the most respected and cost-effective company in the Asian region. We also manufacture crankshaft repair machines and crankshaft grinding and polishing machine which is lightweight and easy to operate. 

Crankshaft Grinding of Damaged Crankpin on Board the Vessel
Crankshaft Grinding of Damaged Crankpin on Board the Vessel

The range of machine is from 50 mm to 700 mm which is reasonably priced, and we have sold more than 63 machines all over the world. Author of this blog is Raj Shahani, Managing Director of RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. having experience of more than 44 years.

Crack Detection of Crankpin After Grinding
Crack Detection of Crankpin After Grinding

Company deals in onsite crankshaft grinding, crankshaft repair, rebabbitting of bearings, metal stitching/metal locking of cast iron, connecting rod repair, etc.

We have been regularly executing onsite crankshaft repair in Bangladesh, Madagascar, Oman, Qatar, Philippines, Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Turkey, Nigeria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, UK, Dubai, Malta, Cyprus, Singapore, Malaysia, Colombia, Iraq, Iran, Dubai, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Netherlands, Belgium South America, Jordan, Ecuador, Singapore, Indonesia, Brazil, Scotland, Italy, UK, South Africa, etc.

Crankpin After Grinding
Crankpin After Grinding

For more details contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information.

Crankshaft repair is required in case of following observations: I) Development of taper and ovality due to continuous running. II) Seizure of bearing, increase in hardness, and development of crack. III) Loss of alignment of crankshaft or change in web deflection of crankshaft and many more reasons. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes crankshaft repair … Continue reading “Crankshaft Repair at Low Cost In Bangladesh- RA Power Solutions”

Connecting Rod for Sale – RA Power Solutions

Connecting Rod for Sale

We maintain large stock of reconditioned connecting rods and new connecting rods of following makes of diesel engine:


MAN-B&W Sulzer Wartsila
MAK Deutz Pielstick
Mitsubishi Daihatsu Yanmar
Bergen Niigata Himsen
Fiat Allen Hanshin
MWM Caterpillar SKL
Ruston Crepelle Stork
Paxman Mirrlees Blackstone Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab, etc.

Connecting Rod of Daihatsu Diesel Engine
Connecting Rod of Daihatsu Diesel Engine

Each connecting rod is passed through stringent quality control procedures by the technicians having more than 40 years of experience. In case of any deviation, connecting rods are repaired in-house on the latest breed of special purpose machine.

Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine for Sale
Connecting Rod of MAK Diesel Engine for Sale

The big end of the connecting rod is re-bored and standard bore tolerance as specified in the manual is maintained. In case of small end, the bush is replaced by new one and re-bored to the standard size. Each connecting rod is subject to dimensional inspection and passes through the crack detection test by MPI. We don’t recommend repair of bend connecting rod or the connecting rods which has lost its alignment/straightness.

Connecting Rod Under Reconditioning
Connecting Rod Under Reconditioning

The connecting rods supplied are 1/3rd the cost of new connecting rod resulting to the huge saving for the owners. For more information regarding engine connecting rods, crankshaft reconditioning, connecting rod replacement, marine engine spares, bearings for Yanmar engine, maintenance and repair services, and engine overhaul services email us at: or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Inspection of Wartsila Connecting Rod
Inspection of Wartsila Connecting Rod

We maintain large stock of reconditioned connecting rods and new connecting rods of following makes of diesel engine: MAIN & AUX. ENGINES MAN-B&W Sulzer Wartsila MAK Deutz Pielstick Mitsubishi Daihatsu Yanmar Bergen Niigata Himsen Fiat Allen Hanshin MWM Caterpillar SKL Ruston Crepelle Stork Paxman Mirrlees Blackstone Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab, etc. Each connecting rod is … Continue reading “Connecting Rod for Sale – RA Power Solutions”

Portable Crankshaft Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions

In case of bearing failure or continuous running of the crankshaft, it develops bearing line marks, pitting, or rough surfaces. This requires polishing of the crankshaft, crankpin, and main journal.

A revolutionary onsite portable crankshaft polishing machine has been introduced by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. which is portable, lightweight, easy to operate, and can be taken to the site. The polishing of the crankshaft and crankpin is possible without removing the crankshaft from the engine block. The onsite crankshaft polishing machine is manufactured from 50 mm to 700 mm in diameter.

The use of a crankshaft polishing machine removes the bearing line marks, and pitting and improves the surface finish as required by the manufacturer.

Crankshaft Polishing Machine Packed in Steel Box
Crankshaft Polishing Machine Packed in Steel Box

We extend free training to the customers having a duration of 1 week during which the operation of the crankshaft polishing machine, and maintenance are explained and demonstrated.

The cost of the machine is kept low as it is the company’s objective that nobody should spend an exorbitant amount on polishing and grinding the crankshaft anymore and sending it to the workshop. More than 60 machines are sold all over the world.

Close-Up View of Crankshaft Polishing Machine After Packing
Close-Up View of Crankshaft Polishing Machine After Packing
Packing in Progress Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Packing in Progress Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. having 37 years of experience in working on large crankshafts. The crankshaft grinding and polishing machine, and crankshaft polishing equipment has been developed through consistent and focused R&D with field trails undertaken in different conditions.

The aim of the company is to reduce the cost of repair of crankshaft and stop the outdated practice of sending crankshafts to the workshops. For more information on crankshaft polisher, crankshaft polisher machine, crankshaft polishing tool, crankshaft polisher for sale, polishing crankshaft journals, crankshaft polishing, crankshaftgrinding machine and crankshaft polishing equipment contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

In case of bearing failure or continuous running of the crankshaft, it develops bearing line marks, pitting, or rough surfaces. This requires polishing of the crankshaft, crankpin, and main journal. A revolutionary onsite portable crankshaft polishing machine has been introduced by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. which is portable, lightweight, easy to operate, and can … Continue reading “Portable Crankshaft Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions”

Connecting Rod Reconditioning – RA Power Solutions

The connecting rods of the engine are under tremendous pressure. The connecting rod has to bear the extreme load and stress condition. In most of the cases connecting rods are made out of forging and composition of material is selected to give enough strength to the connecting rod.

The continuous running, stopping, and changing of direction combined with the weight of the piston and rpm of the engine put lot of stress on the connecting rod. This results to the development of various defects in connecting rod like excessive taper and ovality in big end and small end of connecting rod, loss of alignment of connecting rod, etc.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes reconditioning of connecting rods for high-capacity diesel engine of all make MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc.

Connecting Rods of Mitsubishi Marine Diesel Engine
Connecting Rods of Mitsubishi Marine Diesel Engine

Following steps are followed for reconditioning and resizing of connecting rod

  • Connecting rod is checked for parallelism, alignment and taper and ovality in big end and small end.
  • Connecting rods having bend are not recommended for repair as per RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. experience.
  • Crack detection by MPI is done of connecting rod bolt sitting area and bolts. The connecting rod bolts again are under heavy stress all the time and develop hairline cracks. It is recommended to replace connecting rod bolts after certain hours of operation as specified in manual.
  • The connecting rod big end is re-bored to the standard size and tolerances are maintained. In case of connecting rod small end it is recommended to replace the bush and re-bore it maintaining the center distance between the big end bore and small end bore as per the manufacturer’s specifications.
Connecting Rod of Yanmar Ready for Dispatch
Connecting Rod of Yanmar Ready for Dispatch
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod

All the reconditioned connecting rods after re-sizing are inspected by experience technicians and calibration report is prepared.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has 37 years of experience of undertaking successfully reconditioning of connecting rods.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. also maintains large stock of engine connecting rods and reconditioned connecting rods which are supplied with guarantee. We have larges stock of connecting rods of MAN-B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila, Mak, Deutz, Pielstick, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Bergen, Niigata, Himsen, Allen, Stork, Fiat, MWM, Hanshin, Caterpillar, SKL, Ruston, Paxman, Crepelle, Mirrlees, Alco, ABC, Crepelle, Nohab etc. The connecting rods are priced 1/3 of new connecting rods resulting to the considerable saving for the owners.

Connecting Rod Reconditioning
Connecting Rod Reconditioning
Connecting Rod of Diahatsu Marine Diesel Engine
Connecting Rod of Diahatsu Marine Diesel Engine
Connecting Rod Assembled with Piston after Repair
Connecting Rod Assembled with Piston after Repair
Connecting Rod of Crepelle
Connecting Rod of Crepelle

Contact us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more information regarding babbitt bearing, onsite machining, marine engine spares and engine overhauling.

The connecting rods of the engine are under tremendous pressure. The connecting rod has to bear the extreme load and stress condition. In most of the cases connecting rods are made out of forging and composition of material is selected to give enough strength to the connecting rod. The continuous running, stopping, and changing of … Continue reading “Connecting Rod Reconditioning – RA Power Solutions”

Heat Exchanger Gaskets – RA Power Solutions

Heat Exchanger Gaskets are important for satisfactory performance of the main equipment. We manufacture gaskets for all makes and equipments where gaskets are used.

Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets
Plate Heat Exchanger Gaskets

For more than 44 years, we have been specializing in manufacturing of precision rubber gaskets as per the manufacturer’s requirement. The rubber gaskets of all types like Neoprene gaskets, silicone gasket, Viton gasket, EPDM gasket, nitrile gasket are manufactured.

Heat Exchanger Gaskets
Heat Exchanger Gaskets

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. manufactures plate heat exchanger gaskets in accordance with a thorough quality control process. We fully inspect gaskets to ensure that they meet international standards with the help of our gaskets testing facilities.


We offer a 12-month warranty for all plate heat exchanger gaskets supplied by us. Contact us on or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or  +91 9810012383.

Heat Exchanger Gaskets are important for satisfactory performance of the main equipment. We manufacture gaskets for all makes and equipments where gaskets are used. For more than 44 years, we have been specializing in manufacturing of precision rubber gaskets as per the manufacturer’s requirement. The rubber gaskets of all types like Neoprene gaskets, silicone gasket, … Continue reading “Heat Exchanger Gaskets – RA Power Solutions”

Crankshaft Repair While Sailing – RA Power Solutions

Crankshaft repair by grinding and polishing is now possible while vessel is on move. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the first company to offer crankshaft repair services while vessel is sailing by onsite portable crankshaft grinding equipment which is taken on board the vessel. The crankshaft repair is undertaken by a vibration-free Crankshaft grinding machine without removing the crankshaft from the engine block thus saving time and cost.

MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H
MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing on board the vessel while sailing up to 700 mm diameter.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has recently undertaken grinding of all 6 CR pins of MAN B&W STX 6L23/30H while sailing of the vessel between ports of Malaysia and Indonesia. The crankpins were damaged due to a lack of lubrication oil and all the pins were undersized by 0.5 mm. The tolerances after grinding and polishing have been maintained as per the manufacturer’s requirements.

Repair of Crankshaft in Engine Block
Repair of Crankshaft in Engine Block

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has designed vibration-free onsite crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing equipment by which it is possible to execute crankshaft repair while the ship is on move. This saves time and keeps the vessel moving. Crack repair of engine block, cylinder heads, casing, and all broken castings on board a vessel is possible while sailing. We are the first company to introduce these services.

For more information about our services for grinding of crankshaft, crankshaft grinding, crankshaft repair, and restoring crankshaft of compressor please email us at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankpin Under Test to Check Crack
Crankpin Under Test to Check Crack
Dye Penetrant Test of Crankpin
Dye Penetrant Test of Crankpin
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Engine Block
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Engine Block
Crankpin Under Grinding Process
Crankpin Under Grinding Process
Crankpin Ready After Grinding and Polishing
Crankpin Ready After Grinding and Polishing
Crankshaft Polishing in Process by Crankshaft Polishing Machine
Crankshaft Polishing in Process by Crankshaft Polishing Machine

Crankshaft repair by grinding and polishing is now possible while vessel is on move. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the first company to offer crankshaft repair services while vessel is sailing by onsite portable crankshaft grinding equipment which is taken on board the vessel. The crankshaft repair is undertaken by a vibration-free Crankshaft grinding … Continue reading “Crankshaft Repair While Sailing – RA Power Solutions”

Cast Iron Crack Repair by Metal Stitching Process | Cast Iron Metal Stitching

Cast iron crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process is highly recommended. Metal stitching process for repairing casting is widely use, accepted in the industry, and more successful process for repairing cracks in cast iron.

Broken cast iron pieces can also be replaced by new piece of casting undertaking metal locking. This technology is as old as introduction of cast iron casting in industry.

Insertion of Casting Piece in Engine Block
Insertion of Casting Piece in Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block in Process
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block in Process

Metal keys and metal locks are used to undertake crack repair in cast iron casting.

Metal keys and Metal Locks are used in Metal Stitching/Locking Process

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. has a team of trained technicians who undertake metal stitching of broken, crack casting onsite and crack repair by metal stitching. Necessary tools, consumables, and a new piece of casting if required are taken to the site and crack repair is executed. There is no requirement for disassembly of the equipment or transporting it to the repair workshop, as crack repair is done onsite.

Metal Stitching Done in Broken Area of Generator
Metal Stitching Done in Broken Area of Generator

It is proved that repair of crack casting by metal stitching process rather enhances the strength of the area after crack repair by the metal stitching is done. We execute crack repairs onboard the vessel, power plants all over the world.

Metal Stitching Service Provider

We extend metal stitching services for the repair of cracks in Grey Cast Iron, Aluminium, and Cast Steel Components. The repair of crack and damage casting by metal stitching and metal locking is the proven method to save the crack component from rejection. These days it is very difficult to arrange for a new component which is not only expensive but is difficult to arrange due to travel restriction. The best way to reduce the cost of maintenance is to get the crack or damage in Grey Cast Iron, Aluminium, and Cast Steel components by metal stitching, metal locking, and metal surgery process. Our dedicated team of technicians with portable tools is ready 24*7 to extend these services all over the world.

We extend metal stitching services all over the world including countries like Madagascar, Oman, Qatar, Philippines, Bahrain, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Turkey, Nigeria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, UK, Dubai, Malta, and Cyprus.

For more information on crack repair by metal stitching, cast iron repair, cast iron stitching, repair cast iron, cast iron metal stitching services, crack repair in cast iron, and repairing cast iron metal lock contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131, or +91 9810012383.

Cast iron crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process is highly recommended. Metal stitching process for repairing casting is widely use, accepted in the industry, and more successful process for repairing cracks in cast iron. Broken cast iron pieces can also be replaced by new piece of casting undertaking metal locking. This technology … Continue reading “Cast Iron Crack Repair by Metal Stitching Process | Cast Iron Metal Stitching”

Connecting Rod Reconditioning – RA Power Solutions

High capacity diesel engines running continuously require periodic check of connecting rods. It is commonly observed that big end of connecting rods develops taper and ovality due to continuous operation of engines. Small end bushes also need replacement.

Connecting Rod Assembled with Piston After Repair
Connecting Rod Assembled with Piston After Repair

Connecting rod bolts are under heavy stress and are required to be inspected periodically for their elongation and in some cases also develop cracks which can prove to be dangerous for the engine. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. strongly recommends replacing connecting rod bolts after running hours as specified in manufacturers manual.

Connecting Rods
Connecting Rods

RA Power Solutions undertakes connecting rod repairs. The big end taper and ovality is corrected, and small end bush is changed with the new one. The repair of connecting rod saves the replacement cost which is very high.

Reconditioning of Connecting Rod
Reconditioning of Connecting Rod

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes connecting rod repair with guarantee and have executed repair of connecting rods of leading manufacturers of engine.

Contact us for more information on repair of crankshaft at or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Mirrlees Blackstone k Major Connecting Rod
Mirrlees Blackstone k Major Connecting Rod

High capacity diesel engines running continuously require periodic check of connecting rods. It is commonly observed that big end of connecting rods develops taper and ovality due to continuous operation of engines. Small end bushes also need replacement. Connecting rod bolts are under heavy stress and are required to be inspected periodically for their elongation … Continue reading “Connecting Rod Reconditioning – RA Power Solutions”